Project-team CARMEN Modélisation et calculs pour l'électrophysiologie cardiaque The team Carmen develops mathematical models and numerical methods in order to simulate the...
Project-team CASTING Cancer dynAmicS, adapTation and modelING Cancer is one of the main cause of death in developed countries. Despite significant progress over...
Project-team COMMEDIA Computational mathematics for bio-medical applications The research activity of COMMEDIA focuses on the numerical simulation of bio-fluid flows in the...
Project-team INBIO Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes InBio is an interdisciplinary research group, combining wet and dry biology in the same lab. We...
Project-team M3DISIM Mathematical and Mechanical Modeling with Data Interaction in Simulations for Medicine M3DISIM (pronounced like "medicine" with a final "m") is a joint project-team with Ecole...
Project-team MACBES Modelling And Control of Biological and Ecological Systems Macbes is one of the two project-teams following the Biocore project-team. Macbes is a common...
Project-team MICROCOSME Analysis, engineering, and control of microorganisms MICROCOSME combines computational and experimental approaches for the analysis, engineering, and...
Project-team MONC Mathematical modeling for Oncology The MONC project-team aims at developing new mathematical models involving partial differential...
Project-team MUSCA MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physiological systems) is a joint project-team between...
Project-team MUSCLEES Mathematical Understanding across Scales of Complex Living Ecosystems with Emerging Structures
Project-team MUSICS MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems Our project is devoted to multi-scale modeling in life sciences, and more specifically to the...
Project-team SIMBA Statistical Inference and Modeling for Biological Applications SIMBA (Statistical Inference and Modeling for Biological Applications) is a joint Inria, Université...
Project-team SIMBIOTX SImulations in Medicine, BIOtechnology and ToXicology of multicellular systems The overall objective of SIMBIOTX is the implementation of computational models and tools with...