Project-team CAGE Control and Geometry CAGE's activities take place in the field of mathematical control theory, with applications in three...
Project-team DANCE Dynamics and Control of Networks Our mission is to advance the field of Automatic Control to meet the challenges of today’s hyper...
Project-team DISCO Dynamical Interconnected Systems: Control and Optimization The goal of the project is to better understand and well formalize the effects of complex...
Project-team I4S Inference for Intelligent Instrumented InfraStructures The overall objective of this project-team is the development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)...
Project-team QUANTIC QUANTum Information Circuits The activities of the QUANTIC team are defined at the theoretical and experimental border of the...
Project-team TRIPOP Modeling, Simulation and Control of Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems The TRIPOP team (2018- ) is a joint research team of Inria Grenoble Rhone-Alpes and of the...
Project-team TROPICAL Tropical methods: structures, algorithms and interactions The project develops tropical methods motivated by applicationsarising in decision theory...
Project-team VALSE Finite-time control and estimation for distributed systems The information revolution brings new possibilities related with Internet of Things and Cyber...