Project-team BONUS Big Optimization aNd Ultra-Scale Computing Being ubiquitous to countless modern engineering and scientic applications, big optimization...
Project-team CELESTE mathematical statistics and learning Data science—a vast field that includes statistics, machine learning, signal processing, data...
Project-team EDGE Extended formulations and Decomposition for Generic optimization problems Our research interests lie in the field of operations research (O.R.) and integer programming. Our...
Project-team FAIRPLAY Coopetitive AI: Fairness, Privacy, Incentives Most of the current machine learning literature focuses on the case of a single agent (an algorithm)...
Project-team INOCS INtegrated Optimization with Complex Structure An optimization problem consists in finding a best solution from a set of feasible solutions. Such a...
Project-team MAASAI Models and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Maasai is a research project-team at Inria Sophia-Antipolis, working on the models and algorithms of...
Project-team MALICE MAchine Learning with Integration of surfaCe Engineering knowledge: Theory and Algorithms The goal of the MALICE project-team is to combine interdisciplinary skills in statistical learning...
Project-team OCKHAM Optimization, pHysical Knowledge, Algorithms and Models The OCKHAM team develops machine learning techniques and signal processing algorithms with the main...
Project-team RANDOPT Randomized Optimization The RandOpt team at Inria's Saclay - Ile-de-France research center, joint team with the CMAP at...
Project-team SCOOL Sequential decision making under uncertainty problem The scientific project of Scool is focussed on sequential decision making under uncertainty. In...
Project-team SIERRA Machine Learning and Optimisation Machine learning is a recent scientific domain, positioned between applied mathematics, statistics...
Project-team STATIFY Bayesian and extreme value statistical models for structured and high dimensional data The STATIFY team specializes in the statistical modeling of systems involving data with a complex...