Project-team COMPACT COMPression of mAssively produCed visual daTa In a context of massively produced and viewed visual data, the main objective of the COMPACT team is...
Project-team LINKMEDIA Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments The challenge that multimedia faces today is that of context awareness, i.e., describing documents...
Project-team MORPHEO Capture and Analysis of Shapes in Motion Morpheo's main objective is the ability to perceive and to interpret moving shapes using multiple...
Project-team ROBOTLEARN Learning, perception and control for social robots The scientific ambition of ROBOTLEARN is to train robots to acquire the capacity to look, listen...
Project-team STARS Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition Systems The Stars research team focuses on the design of cognitive vision systems for Activity Recognition...
Project-team TANGRAM Visual Registration with Physically Coherent Models Physically coherent modeling, accurate registration and development of associated robust estimation...
Project-team THOTH Learning visual models from large-scale data Thoth is a joint team of Inria and Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, and started in January 2016. It is a...
Project-team WILLOW Embodied computer vision Our research is concerned with representational issues in visual object recognition and scene...