Centre Inria de l'Université de Rennes
© Inria / Camille Sicot

Inria centre
at Rennes University

The Inria Centre at Rennes University was established in 1980. Its growth is part of the development of the Rennes and Lannion site, with Rennes University, University of Rennes 2, CentraleSupelec, INSA Rennes and ENS Rennes. It has a branch in Nantes, which is developing alongside the Nantes University.


The centre has 28 joint project teams in Rennes (including 24 with the IRISA mixed research unit) and 1 in Lannion. Its activities occupy over 600 people, scientists and research and innovation support staff, including 50 different nationalities. The Centre also operates 2 joint project teams in Nantes with LS22N (Nantes Digital Sciences Laboratory).

Positioning & Strategic issues

Scientific priority areas:

  • Secure digital society;
  • Human-robot-virtual world interactions;
  • Biology and digital health;
  • Digital ecology.

Strategic lines of development

  • Active participation by the centre in the integrated university project conducted by the establishments on the site;
  • Reinforcement of the digital security activity in line with the Breton ecosystem and the Ministry of the Armed Forces, by setting up a multi-partner "Cybersecurity Centre"; 
  • Reinforced technological development of the entire site, which will imply training and access to tools.

Recruitment at the Inria Centre at Rennes University


Are you looking to work on stimulating projects in an international, interdisciplinary environment geared towards innovation? Every year Inria recruits interns, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and directors of research, either through competitive exams or through contracts.

2023 competition

The Inria Centre at Rennes University, in line with its site policy with its partner universities, wishes to recruit this year as a priority in the field of frugal computing (software, hardware or network aspects).

Prepare your application :

6 scientists were recruted on 2022 competition at our Inria Centre.

Technological development

Inria offers a unique environment to talented candidates in the field of technological and software development. Research engineers play a vital role in ensuring high-quality production of knowledge and value by research teams.

Research support

Inria is able to call upon talented individuals in more than 40 different research support positions in pursuit of its ambitions for human resources, administrative support, financial management and communication, and is proud of the 900 individuals on its support staff for research and innovation: truly the backbone of the institute.

Travail collaboratif sur le mur d'images
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

Working at Inria

You wish to become a researcher, an engineer, to accompany the research within the institute? Or simply do an internship?

Ecosystem & Partners

The centre's project teams are operated jointly with the IRISA mixed research unit and the following academic partners.

The centre also has numerous partnerships, with:  

  • Public research actors: le Pôle d’Excellence Cyber, les IRT (Instituts de recherche technologiques) b<>com et Jules Verne, les Laboratoires d’excellence CominLabs et le centre de mathématiques Henri Lebesgue.
  • Innovation ecosystem: La French Tech Rennes Saint-Malo, Le Poool, Le pôle de compétitivité Images et Réseaux
  • Local authorities: Rennes Métropole, Nantes Métropole, Région Bretagne, Région Pays de la Loire
  • Major groups:
    • Startups (récentes) : Open Agora, Golaem, Case Law Analytics, Dilepix
    • PME-ETI : Cailabs, Energiency, Kereval, Obeo, Svibs, etc.
    • Grands groupes : Airbus defense & space, Alstom, EDF, Facebook, Google, Microsoft research, Mitsubishi Electric, Nokia, Orange, PSA Groupe, Safran, Total
  • International academic partners: le centre de recherche possède 20 équipes associées à des instituts internationaux en 2019 :CWI, UCL, EPFL, University of California, Brkely Lab, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Laurier, Universidad de Chile, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.
Portrait de Patrick Gros Directeur du centre Inria Rennes

Patrick Gros

Director of the Inria centre at Rennes University

Practicals informations

CRI Rennes

Inria de l'Université de Rennes
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
Avenue du Général Leclerc
35042 Rennes Cedex


  • Phone: +33 2 99 84 71 00
  • Fax: +33 2 99 84 71 71
  • E-Mail

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Discover the Inria Centre at Rennes University