Accessibility statement

Changed on 04/01/2024

Inria is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

To this end, it is implementing the following strategy:

This website is not accessible, and changes will need to be made to it in order to rectify this. Alternatively, it may be replaced.

This accessibility statement is applicable to the website

This statement was drafted on 16/11/2023.

Compliance status: Non-compliant

An internal pre-audit has found that the Inria website ( does not comply with the general guidelines for improving accessibility, RGAA version 4.1.

RGAA (in French)

Drafting this accessibility statement

Technology used to create the site

  • Content management system: [Drupal]

User employees, assistance technology and tools used for verifying accessibility

Web pages were tested using the following combination of web browsers and screen readers:

  • Firefox and WAVE
  • Firefox and Axedevtools

Accessibility was verified through manual testing, with the assistance of certain tools (specific CSS, HeadingsMaps and WebDeveloper Toolbar extensions, Color Contrast Analyser).

Feedback and contact

It should be borne in mind that, in accordance with article 11 of the law of February 2005:

Persons with disabilities shall be entitled to compensation for the consequences of their disability, irrespective of the origin or nature of their impairment, their age or their lifestyle. 

Inria is committed to implementing all measures necessary in order to provide access - within a reasonable time frame - to any information or features persons with disabilities may be looking for, irrespective of whether or not the content has been exempted.

Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact Inria at in order to seek assistance (accessible alternative, information and content provided in a different format).

Means of recourse

Should you encounter any accessibility issues preventing you from accessing any of the site’s contents or features, and you do not receive a response from us after bringing it to our attention, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Defender of Rights, or to request a referral.

There are a number of options available to you:

Updates to this page

  • 11/16/2023: Page creation; Statement of non-compliance owing to an audit not having been carried out; Description of a plan of action (come up with a framework, conduct an audit, provide training to staff).

What is digital accessibility?

An accessible website is one which enables persons with disabilities to access its contents and features without any difficulties. With an accessible website you may, for example, be able to:

  • browse using speech synthesis and/or a refreshable Braille display (such as those used by people who are blind or with visual impairments)
  • customise the display of the site to suit your requirements (make text larger, change colours, etc.)
  • browse without a mouse (using only the keyboard, using a touchscreen, with your voice or any other suitable device).

For this purpose, the site must adhere to the applicable regulations during its creation and for any updates.