Accessibility statement

Changed on 01/07/2024

Inria is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with article 47 of law n°2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

Inria's multiannual and annual plans

Inria is committed to improving the accessibility of its sites, as detailed in the Multiannual accessibility plan 2023-2026 (in French).

Compliance status

The Inria website ( does not comply with the general guidelines for improving accessibility, RGAA version 4.1.2, due to the non-compliances and exemptions listed in the section "Testing results".

Testing results

The compliance audit made by Ideance on 08/04/2024 proved that the site is 43.5% compliant with RGAA version 4.1.2.  


The content listed below is not available for the following reasons.

List of non-compliant criteria:

  • Decorative images are not ignored by assistive technologies.
  • For each image used as a CAPTCHA, is there an alternative access solution to the CAPTCHA content or function?
  • Captions are not correctly linked to their corresponding image.
  • Iframe titles are not relevant.
  • Information is given only by color.
  • Contrasts between text color and background color are not sufficiently high.
  • Contrasts between color of interface components or graphic elements carrying information and background color are not sufficiently high.
  • Videos do not have text transcriptions or audio descriptions.
  • Some videos have no audio description.
  • Some videos are not clearly identifiable.
  • Titles are not correctly associated with their corresponding data table.
  • Column headers and row headers in data tables are not correctly declared.
  • Data table cells are not correctly associated with their corresponding headers.
  • Links are not explicit.
  • Scripts are not compatible with assistive technologies. 
  • Alternative scripts are not relevant.
  • Scripts are not controllable by keyboard or any pointing device.
  • Context changes initiated by scripts are not signaled or controllable.
  • Generated source code is not valid for the specified document type.
  • Language changes are not indicated.
  • Tags are used for presentation purposes only.
  • Information is not structured by the appropriate use of headings.
  • Page structure is not consistent.
  • Lists are not correctly structured.
  • Style sheets are not used to control presentation.
  • Visible content carrying information is not present when style sheets are disabled.
  • The focus of interactive elements is not visible.
  • Hidden content is not intended to be ignored by assistive technologies.
  • Content cannot be presented without horizontal scrolling in a 320px wide window.
  • Additional content appearing on focus or on hovering over an interface component cannot be controlled.
  • Form fields have no label.
  • Fields of the same nature are not grouped together.
  • Input controls are not used appropriately.
  • Input controls are not accompanied by suggestions for error correction.
  • The purpose of input fields cannot be deduced to facilitate their automatic filling with user data.
  • Content grouping zones present on several pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer and search engine) cannot be reached or avoided.
  • A bypass or quick access link to the main content area is missing.
  • Tab order is inconsistent.
  • Downloadable office documents do not have an accessible version.

Content not subject to accessibility requirements

The "tarteaucitron" cookie manager and the "YouTube" video player have been exempted. They have therefore not been subject to a complete and detailed audit.

However, it has been verified that their presence does not prevent the use and consultation of the rest of the site.

Drawing up this declaration of accessibility

This declaration was established on 16/11/2023. It was updated on 04/08/2024.

Technologies used to create the website

  • Content management system: [Drupal]
  • HTML5
  • ARIA
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to verify accessibility

Web page tests were carried out with the following combinations of web browsers and screen readers:

  • Firefox 124 and NVDA 2023.3.4 (Windows 11)
  • Firefox 124 and JAWS 2023 (Windows 11)
  • Safari and VoiceOver (macOS 14.4)
  • Safari and VoiceOver (iOS 17.4.1)

Website pages that were checked for compliance

  1. Homepage
  2. Contact
  3. News'list
  4. Challenges
  5. Landing

Feedback and contact

It should be borne in mind that, in accordance with article 11 of the law of February 2005:

Persons with disabilities shall be entitled to compensation for the consequences of their disability, irrespective of the origin or nature of their impairment, their age or their lifestyle. 

Inria is committed to implementing all measures necessary in order to provide access - within a reasonable time frame - to any information or features persons with disabilities may be looking for, irrespective of whether or not the content has been exempted.

Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact Inria by email at in order to seek assistance (accessible alternative, information and content provided in a different format).


Should you encounter any accessibility issues preventing you from accessing any of the site’s contents or features, and you do not receive a response from us after bringing it to our attention, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Defender of Rights, or to request a referral.

Several means are available to you:

Updates to this page

  • 11/16/2023: Page creation; Statement of non-compliance owing to an audit not having been carried out; Description of a plan of action (come up with a framework, conduct an audit, provide training to staff).
  • 04/08/2024: RGAA version 4.1.2 compliance audit by Ideance

What is digital accessibility?

An accessible website is one which enables persons with disabilities to access its contents and features without any difficulties. With an accessible website you may, for example, be able to:

  • browse using speech synthesis and/or a refreshable Braille display (such as those used by people who are blind or with visual impairments)
  • customise the display of the site to suit your requirements (make text larger, change colours, etc.)
  • browse without a mouse (using only the keyboard, using a touchscreen, with your voice or any other suitable device).

For this purpose, the site must adhere to the applicable regulations during its creation and for any updates.