© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier Environment Digital technology facing up to itself: How Inria is working towards a sustainable transition Health - Personalised Healthcare Epidemic preparedness: the power of data science Generative AI Karën Fort on ethics in natural language processing
© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier Environment Digital technology facing up to itself: How Inria is working towards a sustainable transition
Photo ElisaRiva via Pixabay, CC0 High-resolution imaging maps the human brain to create an atlas of cerebral cognitive functions 15/06/2018
Geralt via Pixabay, CC0 Intelligence artificielle : quand les machines apprennent à oublier 22/06/2018
The Mathematical Olympiads: stimulating reflection and mathematical research in secondary schools 28/06/2018
MissingBigData: getting mathematics and computer science to work together for a better solution to the missing data problem 28/06/2018