@Unsplash Artificial intelligence How artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work Networks Combining computer science and psychology to support public safety International partnerships Inria Challenge: improving the detection of targets under water
pexels- pixabay HMI Human-Machine Interface An Inria innovation to improve smartphone ergonomics 09/01/2024
Neuroscience Brain-computer interfaces: a multidisciplinary project team seeking to help people with paralysis 09/01/2024
Health - Personalised Healthcare Using fruit fly larvae to shine further light on neurological diseases 11/12/2023
© Institut Arts et Métiers de Laval Culture & Society Virtual reality: boost your creativity using an avatar of Leonardo da Vinci 16/10/2023
©svklimkin - pixabay Health / Personalised medicine A steering handle for movement despite disability 08/05/2023
© Inria / Hybrid Virtual reality Virtual Reality as a First Step Toward Walking Rehabilitation 11/04/2023
22–23 January 2024 Communication - Event AI-Hand project kick-off: using electrodes to regain the use of your hands Location : Antenne Inria de l'Université de Montpellier