@Unsplash Artificial intelligence How artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work Neuroscience Is predicting thoughts an achievable challenge? Virtual reality Recovering full cognitive function after breast cancer
At least three projects involving the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre selected by the DATAIA Institute 31/05/2018
© inria / Photo C. Morel Health - Personalised Healthcare Interview with Lauren Thevin : using virtual and augmented reality to help people with visual impairment 18/06/2018
Photo ElisaRiva via Pixabay, CC0 High-resolution imaging maps the human brain to create an atlas of cerebral cognitive functions 15/06/2018
Geralt via Pixabay, CC0 Intelligence artificielle : quand les machines apprennent à oublier 22/06/2018
The Mathematical Olympiads: stimulating reflection and mathematical research in secondary schools 28/06/2018