Project-team AISTROSIGHT Viewing neuron-astrocyte pharmacology through digital sciences Our overall goal is to develop innovative numerical methods for neuropharmacology, the search of new...
Project-team CASTING Cancer dynAmicS, adapTation and modelING Cancer is one of the main cause of death in developed countries. Despite significant progress over...
Project-team ERABLE European Research team in Algorithms and Biology, formaL and Experimental Cells are seen as the basic structural, functional and biological units of all living systems. They...
Project-team MOSAIC MOrphogenesis Simulation and Analysis In siliCo Our general aim in MOSAIC is to identify key principles of organism development in close...
Project-team MUSICS MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems Our project is devoted to multi-scale modeling in life sciences, and more specifically to the...
Project-team SEMIS Sciences, Environments, Information, Societies We are studying the role of science and technology, particularly information technology, in global...