Project-team ACENTAURI Artificial intelligence and efficient algorithms for autonomus robotics The goal of ACENTAURI is to study and develop intelligent, autonomous and mobile robots that...
Project-team AUCTUS Robots for Humans at work The objective of the Auctus team is to imagine the collaborative robots of the future. The ability...
Project-team CHROMA Cooperative and Human-aware Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments The Chroma team aims at designing general methods for mobile robots' perception and decision making...
Project-team COMBO Computer and Biomechanics –> Out-of-the-Lab ComBO is a joint project-team from Inria and the Universities of Rennes (including Université de...
Project-team DEFROST DEFormable Robotics SofTware Our Vision Future robots don’t need to be «rigid» but made of complex deformable structures...
Project-team FLOWERS FLOW in Exploration, leaRning, and diScovery The Flowers project-team, at Inria, University of Bordeaux and Ensta ParisTech, studies models of...
Project-team HEPHAISTOS HExapode, PHysiology, AssISTance and RobOtics The HEPHAÏSTOS project-team was created on January 1st 2014. This project is composed of INRIA...
Project-team RAINBOW Sensor-based Robotics and Human Interaction The long-term vision of the Rainbow team is to develop the next generation of sensor-based robots...