Project-team CELESTE mathematical statistics and learning Data science—a vast field that includes statistics, machine learning, signal processing, data...
Project-team EX-SITU Extreme Situated Interaction ExSitu explores the limits of interaction — how extreme users interact with technology in extreme...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team IDEFIX Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX The research activity of our team is dedicated to the design, analysis and implementation of...
Project-team MERGE Mathematics for Evolution, Reproduction, Growth and Emergence MERGE gathers researchers all working in mathematics - more precisely stochastic processes, Partial...
Project-team MIND Models and Inference for Neuroimaging Data MIND is a joint Inria and CEA (NeuroSpin center) project-team whose overall scientific objective is...
Project-team TAU TAckling the Underspecified Building upon the expertise in machine learning (ML) and stochastic optimization of the late TAO...
Project-team TROPICAL Tropical methods: structures, algorithms and interactions The project develops tropical methods motivated by applicationsarising in decision theory...
Project-team AVIZ Analysis and VIsualiZation Like many other fields, the sciences are being transformed by our rapidly-increasing abilities to...
Project-team BENAGIL Efficient and safe distributed systems The Benagil team studies how to design more efficient and safer distributed systems with a focus on...
Project-team DISCO Dynamical Interconnected Systems: Control and Optimization The goal of the project is to better understand and well formalize the effects of complex...
Project-team FAIRPLAY Coopetitive AI: Fairness, Privacy, Incentives Most of the current machine learning literature focuses on the case of a single agent (an algorithm)...
Project-team MATHEXP Computer algebra, experimental mathematics, and interactions MATHEXP develops and implements symbolic and seminumerical computational methods to deal with...
Project-team MUSCA MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physiological systems) is a joint project-team between...