Project-team EMERAUDE EMbEdded pRogrammable AUDio systEms The Emeraude team combines the skills of: the Center of Innovation in Telecommunication and...
Project-team EPIONE E-Patient: Images, Data & MOdels for e-MediciNE Description Our long-term goal is to contribute to the development of what we call the e-patient...
Project-team ERMINE Measuring and Managing Network operation and economics Networks are omnipresent and increasingly complex, and require an efficient management of their...
Project-team GAMBLE Geometric Algorithms & Models Beyond the Linear & Euclidean realm Classical computational geometry usually deals with linear objects in a Euclidean setting and when...
Project-team GENSCALE Algorithms for Genomic Data: Scalability, Precision and Sustainability GenScale is a research team in bioinformatics. Its main objective is to develop efficient methods...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team GREENOWL Generating RENewable resources by Optimisation of Water Living microorganisms Climate change resulting from the anthropogenic activities will dramatically modify the composition...
Project-team HYBRID 3D interaction with virtual environments using body and mind The research activity of Hybrid team belongs to the field of Virtual Reality and 3D interaction with...
Project-team INBIO Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes InBio is an interdisciplinary research group, combining wet and dry biology in the same lab. We...
Project-team INOCS INtegrated Optimization with Complex Structure An optimization problem consists in finding a best solution from a set of feasible solutions. Such a...
Project-team KRAKOS Design of performance, robust, secure, flexible, and energy-efficient system software
Project-team LEMON Littoral Environment: M0dels and Numerics LEMON is a research team between Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée, Hydrosciences Montpellier (HSM...
Project-team MACARON MAChine leARning for Optimized Numerical methods The INRIA Macaron team (common with IRMA and CNRS) works on the construction of numerical methods...
Project-team MACBES Modelling And Control of Biological and Ecological Systems Macbes is one of the two project-teams following the Biocore project-team. Macbes is a common...
Project-team MALICE MAchine Learning with Integration of surfaCe Engineering knowledge: Theory and Algorithms The goal of the MALICE project-team is to combine interdisciplinary skills in statistical learning...