Project-team LACODAM Large scale Collaborative Data Mining The objective of the LACODAM team is to considerably facilitate the process of making sense from...
Project-team LIFEWARE Computational systems biology and optimization The project Lifeware aims at developing formal methods for understanding the cell machinery and...
Project-team MAASAI Models and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Maasai is a research project-team at Inria Sophia-Antipolis, working on the models and algorithms of...
Project-team MANAO Melting the frontiers between Light, Shape and Matter The manao project aims at studying how light, matter and shape act together in synergies, at the...
Project-team MATHERIALS MATHematics for MatERIALS The purpose of the scientific activity of the MATHERIALS research team is to design efficient...
Project-team MAVERICK Models and Algorithms for Visualization and Rendering Maverick is a research project-team dealing with image synthesis. We place ourselves at the end of...
Project-team MERGE Mathematics for Evolution, Reproduction, Growth and Emergence MERGE gathers researchers all working in mathematics - more precisely stochastic processes, Partial...
Project-team MFX Matter from Graphics Our team focuses on challenges related to shape complexity in the context of Computer Graphics and...
Project-team MORPHEO Capture and Analysis of Shapes in Motion Morpheo's main objective is the ability to perceive and to interpret moving shapes using multiple...
Project-team MUSCA MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physiological systems) is a joint project-team between...
Project-team ODYSSEY Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis The name Odyssey is a short-cut that stands for ``Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis'', and aims to...
Project-team PIRAT Protection of Information and Resistance to ATtacks The PIRAT team (Protection of Information and Resistance to ATtacks) focuses on research in...
Project-team POLARIS Performance analysis and Optimization of LARge Infrastructures and Systems The goal of the POLARIS project is to contribute to the understanding (from the observation...