Project-team POTIOC Novel Multimodal Interactions for a Stimulating User Experience Potioc designs, develops and evaluates new approaches that exploit multimodal interaction to promote...
Project-team PRIVATICS Privacy Models, Architectures and Tools for the Information Society Since its creation in 2014, the PRIVATICS project-team focusses on privacy protection in the digital...
Project-team QURIOSITY Quantum Information Processing and Communication QURIOSITY’s ambition is to extend the application horizon of quantum information science by...
Project-team RANDOPT Randomized Optimization The RandOpt team at Inria's Saclay - Ile-de-France research center, joint team with the CMAP at...
Project-team SEAMLESS Seamless interaction and collaboration through the reality-virtuality continuum Seamless follows a multi-disciplinary approach in the scientific domains of virtual and augmented...
Project-team SODA Computational and mathematical methods to understand health and society with data The soda team does research at the intersection between machine-learning, databases, and...
Project-team SPADES Sound Programming of Adaptive Dependable Embedded Systems The SPADES project-team aims at mastering the complexity and dependability of networked embedded...
Project-team STACK Software Stack for Massively Geo-Distributed Infrastructures STACK members address challenges related to the management and advanced usages of Utility Computing...
Project-team SYCOMORES Symbolic analysis and Component-based design for Modular Real-Time Embedded Systems The objective of the SYCOMORES project-team is to develop a framework for the design and the...
Project-team ABS Algorithms - Biology - Structure Computational Structural Biology (CSB) is the scientific domainconcerned with the development of...
Project-team ACENTAURI Artificial intelligence and efficient algorithms for autonomus robotics The goal of ACENTAURI is to study and develop intelligent, autonomous and mobile robots that...
Project-team AIRSEA Mathematics and computing applied to oceanic and atmospheric flows Recent events have raised questions on social and economic implications of anthropic alterations of...
Project-team ANGE Numerical Analysis, Geophysics and Environment The research activities carried out within the ANGE team strongly couple the development of...
Project-team ANGUS Adaptive modelling and numerical simulations for governing equations with underlying structures