Project-team MACARON MAChine leARning for Optimized Numerical methods The INRIA Macaron team (common with IRMA and CNRS) works on the construction of numerical methods...
Project-team MAGELLAN Reliable and Responsible Decentralized Computing Infrastructures The Magellan Inria/ IRISA project-team aims to enable the creation of efficient, robust, environment...
Project-team MAKUTU Experimental-based modeling and simulation of wave propagation to characterize geophysical and heliophysical media and to design complex objects The computational geosciences encompass a wide variety of scientific activities aimed at tackling...
Project-team MATHERIALS MATHematics for MatERIALS The purpose of the scientific activity of the MATHERIALS research team is to design efficient...
Project-team MATHEXP Computer algebra, experimental mathematics, and interactions MATHEXP develops and implements symbolic and seminumerical computational methods to deal with...
Project-team MEMPHIS Modeling Enablers for Multi-PHysics and InteractionS We aim at a step change in numerical modeling in order to answer actual industrial needs. Our goal...
Project-team MERGE Mathematics for Evolution, Reproduction, Growth and Emergence MERGE gathers researchers all working in mathematics - more precisely stochastic processes, Partial...
Project-team MFX Matter from Graphics Our team focuses on challenges related to shape complexity in the context of Computer Graphics and...
Project-team MOSAIC MOrphogenesis Simulation and Analysis In siliCo Our general aim in MOSAIC is to identify key principles of organism development in close...
Project-team PETRUS PErsonal & TRUSted cloud We are witnessing an exponential accumulation of personal data on central servers: data...
Project-team PLEIADE Patterns of diversity and networks of function The study of biology associates pattern recognition of diversity with modeling of functional and...
Project-team QUANTIC QUANTum Information Circuits The activities of the QUANTIC team are defined at the theoretical and experimental border of the...
Project-team RANDOPT Randomized Optimization The RandOpt team at Inria's Saclay - Ile-de-France research center, joint team with the CMAP at...
Project-team RESIST Resilience and elasticity for security and scalability of dynamic networked systems The RESIST project designs, implements and validates novel models, algorithms and tools for highly...