Exploratory action SIA Computer science in the Anthropocene The term Anthropocene reflects the geological scale of human impacts on the Earth system and...
Project-team ALMANACH Automatic Language Modelling and Analysis & Computational Humanities The ALMAnaCH project-team (Automatic Language Modelling and Analysis & Computational Humanities) is...
Project-team ASTRAL Advanced StatisTical infeRence And controL The research activities of our team mainly focus on the development of advanced statistical and...
Project-team BIOVISION Biologically plausible Integrative mOdels of the Visual system : towards synergIstic Solutions for visually-Impaired people and artificial visiON Vision is a key function to sense the world and perform complex tasks, with a high sensitivity and a...
Project-team CASCADE Construction and Analysis of Systems for Confidentiality and Authenticity of Data and Entities Cryptography, or the "Science of Secret", aims at protecting digital data during communications, or...
Project-team CELESTE mathematical statistics and learning Data science—a vast field that includes statistics, machine learning, signal processing, data...
Project-team CHROMA Cooperative and Human-aware Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments The Chroma team aims at designing general methods for mobile robots' perception and decision making...
Project-team CRONOS Computational modelling of brain dynamical networks The estimation, quantification and comparison of brain dynamics is one of the central challenges of...
Project-team EDGE Extended formulations and Decomposition for Generic optimization problems Our research interests lie in the field of operations research (O.R.) and integer programming. Our...
Project-team EX-SITU Extreme Situated Interaction ExSitu explores the limits of interaction — how extreme users interact with technology in extreme...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team GRAPHDECO GRAPHics and DEsign with hEterogeneous COntent Despite significant progress in Computer Graphics, HCI and Computer Vision, creating, manipulating...
Project-team HEKA Health data- and model- driven approaches for Knowledge Acquisition HeKA is a common project-team of Inria, Inserm and Université Paris Cité. HeKA is jointly affiliated...