Recruitment campaign for researchers 2024

Changed on 02/07/2024

Collective commitment, the ambition to respond to challenges and have an impact, and support for risk-taking of all kinds are the values that contribute to Inria's vitality.

The 2024 campaign is closed.

Illustration Chargés de recherche classe normale
© Inria / Photo C. Morel


This year, Inria is renewing its "Inria Starting Faculty Position" (ISFP) offer, designed to strengthen Inria's attractiveness. These positions are based on a unlimited-term contract and are associated with a teaching service in an Inria partner higher education institution (approximately 32 to 64 hours per year). The implementation of this new recruitment system meets a twofold ambition:

  1. Enhanced interaction with major research universities.
  2. A stronger attractiveness of research careers at the beginning of a career.

All candidates may apply for the CRCN competition only, or the ISFP campaign only, or both CRCN and ISFP.

The ISFP application files are the same as those for the CRCN competitions and are evaluated according to the same criteria by the same committee. Candidates who have applied for both types of positions and who are selected for an interview will therefore have a unique interview for both positions.

Candidates for the CRCN competitions who also wish to apply for the ISFP recruitment campaign must submit the same application for the ISFP offer.

Join our research centres

Young researchers (CRCN and ISFP)

Young researchers (CRCN and ISFP)

Researchers "normal class" (CRCN) and Inria Starting Faculty Positions (ISFP)

To submit your application and access the file to be completed, you must first create your applicant area (read more) and download the "applicant area guide" below. Important information documents (self-assessment of software and transfer, equal opportunities, people with disabilities) can be found here.

Deadline to apply: February 6, 2024.

Distribution of posts

The 20 Researchers "normal class" positions (CRCN) and 18 Inria Starting Faculty Positions (ISFP) are distributed throughout the territory. Find the details of the profiles sought for each Inria research centre:


- Competition n° 1 BSO-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 1 BSO-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux, in line with its site policy with the University of Bordeaux and the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour, gives priority to recruitment in the ASTRAL, CONCACE and GEOSTAT project-teams. The center also wishes to give priority to recruitment in newly-created project-teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Center at the University of Bordeaux.


- Competition n° 2 GRA-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 2 GRA-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre at Grenoble Alpes University, in line with its site policy, has made it a priority to strengthen the following themes: environment and responsible computing; data and knowledge management; software-hardware interface; digital health. The center also wishes to give priority to recruitment in newly-created project teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Center at Grenoble Alpes University.


- Competition n° 3 LNE-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 3 LNE-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre at the University of Lille, in line with its site policy, has set itself the priority of strengthening the following areas in which it wishes to develop: cybersecurity (networks, distributed systems, software engineering), in conjunction with the Campus Cyber Hauts-de-France Lille Métropole; responsible digital technologies (energy efficiency, digital sobriety, reduction of environmental impact), in the most inclusive sense of the major fields of digital research. The center also wishes to give priority to recruitment in newly-created project teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Center at the University of Lille.


- Competition n° 4 LYS-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 4 LYS-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

In line with its site policy, the Inria Lyon Center's priority is to strengthen the following themes: digital technology for life sciences and medicine; distributed robotics. The center also wishes to give priority to recruitment in newly-created project-teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Lyon Centre.


- Competition n° 5 NGE-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 5 NGE-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre at the University of Lorraine, including the Inria branch at the University of Strasbourg, in line with its site policy with the University of Lorraine and the University of Strasbourg, wishes to give priority to profiles with a strong orientation towards (1) software or hardware development, (2) healthcare and (3) engineering (including industry 4.0). The center also wishes to give priority to recruiting from newly-created project teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Centre at the University of Lorraine


- Competition n° 6 PRO-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 6 PRO-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre Paris, in line with its site policy with its partner universities, in particular within the Inria Centre of Sorbonne University, has three recruitment priorities: artificial intelligence (learning, optimization, automatic language processing, vision); interfaces between digital sciences and life sciences or health; networks and systems.  The center also wishes to give priority to recruiting from newly-created project teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Paris Centre.


- Competition n° 7 RBA-CRCN-2024: 3 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 7 RBA-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Inria Centre at the University of Rennes, in line with its site policy with its partner universities, wishes this year to recruit as a priority in its new or renewing teams: ARTISHAU, CIDRE (SUSHI / PIRAT), ERMINE, LINKMEDIA, MYRIADS, SUMO, on the following themes: AI security, security at the hardware/software interface, understanding cyber-attacks, supervision and resilience of information systems, network economics, security of artificial intelligence algorithms, frugality of edge-fog-cloud infrastructures, verification of distributed systems. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.Assignment: Inria Centre at the University of Rennes.


- Competition n° 8 SAM-CRCN-2024: 2 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 8 SAM-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

The Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, including the Inria Antenna at the University of Montpellier, in conjunction with its partner universities, is looking to recruit for the COMPO and PREMEDICAL project-teams, with particular emphasis on profiles in the following fields: (1) robotics, (2) algorithmic differentiation, (3) geometry and (4) artificial intelligence. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Centre of the University Cote d'Azur.


- Competition n° 9 SIF-CRCN-2024: 3 positions

- Offer ISFP n° 9 SIF-ISFP-2024: 2 positions

In conjunction with its partners, Université Paris Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the Inria Saclay center focuses on the following priorities: interfaces between digital and life sciences, interfaces between digital and social sciences, privacy, operating systems. The center also wishes to give priority to recruitment in newly-created project teams or those in the process of being created. More generally, the recruitment campaign is broadly open to all the research themes of the center's teams.

Assignment: Inria Centre in Saclay.


Senior researchers (DR2)

Inria is opening 21 positions for 2nd class research directors. To apply, you must first create your candidate space (read more) and download the "applicant area guide" bellow.

Important information documents (self-assessment of software and transfer, equal opportunities, people with disabilities) can be found here.

- Application deadline: February 6, 2024

- Preliminary Selection:  March 27 & 28, 2024

- Eligibility Test: From May 28 to 31, 2024

- Admission: June 6th, 2024

Young researchers with disabilities (CRCN-TH)

Inria is recruiting people with disabilities on a contractual basis. This recruitment procedure, provided for by regulations, aims to encourage the recruitment of candidates with disabilities on the basis of a one-year contract, renewable once. At the end of their contract and after the opinion of a professional panel, successful candidates may be appointed to permanent positions.

The 2024 campaign will open at the end of April.

  • Campaign opens and applications collected: from 25th April to 28th May 2024 inclusive (23:59 p.m. French time),
  • Deadline for receipt of opinions and letters of recommendation: 10th June 2024,
    • Please let them know that you wish to apply so that they can prepare their letter in advance, as they will then only have a few days to download it via a link which will be attached to the application email. It will be sent after the eligibility of the applications.
  • Pre-selection and auditions: June - mid-July 2024,
  • Start date: from 1st October 2024.
  • Create your personal candidate area and Apply (via the SELECT tool - no other application channel will be accepted):
    • Download the documents included in the offer (application file and applicant guide, and follow the instructions given);
    • DO NOT MODIFY the presentation or format of the application file (respect the headings and their numbering, do not delete any paragraphs, fill in all the sections as far as you are concerned, etc);
    • For diplomas in a foreign language, provide a sworn translation in accordance with the procedures on the ENIC-NARIC website;
    • For requests for special arrangements for tests, submit the supporting document(s) in "Attachments";
    • If you wish to join a new team and it does not appear in the drop-down list, first select the assignment centre, then "other team" in SELECT).
  • The hearings will be take place on 1st July 2024 afternoon, at our headquarters (Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt - BP 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay-Rocquencourt Cedex) (Yvelines department):
    • How to get there 
    • The Rocquencourt site is served by TRANSDEV bus routes linking the "Coeur de Bourg" (the nearest stop) or "Les 3 Fontaines" (walk down rue de la Sabretache) stops to nearby stations: 
      • 6217 : Guitel Lecoq (Saint-Nom la Bretèche) <=> Versailles Rive Droite station (line L: Paris-St Lazare, via La Défense and St-Cloud to Versailles Rive Droite or to Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche),
      • 6276 : Prés de Reneuil 3 (Noisy le Roi) <=> Vaucresson station (line L: Paris-St Lazare to Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche),
      • 6205 : Versailles Bernard de Jussieu <=> Rocquencourt Coeur de Bourg (via Versailles Montreuil and Versailles Rive Droite stations - Line L Paris-St Lazare),
      • EX01 : Rue Thiers (near RER A St-Germain en Laye station) <=>  Versailles Chantiers station (It also passes through Versailles Château Rive Gauche station. Versailles Chantiers station serves lines U to La Défense, N to Paris-Montparnasse and RER C to Saint-Quentin-en Yvelines. Versailles Château RG station is the terminus and is served only by the RER C).