2008-2018 : 10 years of research at the center


Publish on 22/01/2020

This special edition of Plug'In is published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Inria Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest center.
More than ever, its vocation is to implement a dynamic, to provoke meetings, to encourage projects. For that we offer you a trip back in time, to the origins of the creation of the center and the first academic and industrial collaborations, before returning to the present passing through a decade of innovation and discoveries. Then we meet the collaborators of the center: women and men of science of course, but also all people exercising research support functions.
The technology transfer and the stakes of research in digital sciences finally conclude this issue with an opening to the future: we hope that this magazine will make you want to start new collaboration, to study in digital sciences, or event create your start-up!
We wish you a very good read.