Textual alternative: Prix CNIL-Inria 2025 Protection de la vie privée (CNIL-Inria 2025 Privacy Prize)
Who is concerned by the award?
The Inria-CNIL award is intended to promote research in Computer Science and Privacy and to raise awareness among citizens and decision-makers on privacy and data protection issues.
Submitted papers must present work, at least partly, conducted in a research center based in one of the 27 countries of the European Union (thus excluding the UK and Switzerland), and must necessarily address the improvement of the protection of personal data, AI transparency, or privacy.
Papers must:
- Have been published or accepted for publication between 2022 and 2025;
- Be written in French or English;
- Describe a research result, a technical innovation, propose a didactic presentation of the state of the art or an initiative to promote interdisciplinarity.
It should be possible to convey the substance of the contribution of the article in terms accessible to non-experts.
Examples of possible topics include (without limitation):
- Artificial intelligence, algorithm transparency and explainability;
- Privacy usability;
- User perspective;
- New types of tracking and protections;
- Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs);
- Anonymization and reidentification;
- Applied cryptography;
- Challenges and solutions to implement the GDPR.
How can I participate?
Entries must be submitted on the Easychair system by midnight February 13, 2025. The competition rules are available.
For more information on the prize, please use the following e-mail address: prix.cnil-inria[at]cnil.fr.
The prizewinner will be honored at the CPDP (Computers, Privacy and Data Protection) 2025 conference, and will also be invited to present his or her work at the same conference and at CNIL's Privacy Research Day in June 2025.
The jury is organized by two co-presidents, Benjamin Nguyen (Inria/INSA Centre Val de Loire) and Vincent Toubiana (CNIL), and two vice-presidents, Oana Goga (LIX - INRIA) and Thibaud Antignac (CNIL).
The members of the jury are:
- Mário S. Alvim (Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brésil)
- Nicolas Anciaux (Inria, PETRUS team – France)
- Thibaud Antignac (CNIL – France)
- Aurélien Bellet (Inria PreMeDICaL team – France)
- Nataliia Bielova (Inria PRIVATICS team – France)
- Joe Calandrino (États-Unis)
- Claude Castelluccia (CNIL/Inria Privatics team – France)
- Grazia Cecere (IMT Business School - France)
- Estelle Cherrier-Pawlowski (GREYC lab – ENSICAEN/CNRS – France)
- Jean-François Couchot (Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST – France)
- Mathieu Cunche (INSA-Lyon, Inria PRIVATICS – France)
- Giuseppe D’Acquisto (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali – Italie)
- Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Université Rovira i Virgil, Director-CYBERCAT – Espagne)
- Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University – Suède)
- Sébastien Gambs (University of Québec in Montréal – Canada)
- Oana Goga (Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique, Inria CEDAR team – France)
- Marit Hansen (State Data Protection Commissioner of Land Schleswig-Holstein and Landeszentrum für Datenschutz – Germany)
- Jaap-Henk Hoepman (Radboud University Nijmegen – Pays-Bas)
- Kévin Huguenin (Université de Lausanne – Suisse)
- Pierre Laperdrix (Université de Lille/CNRS -Inria Sprials team – France)
- Maryline Laurent (Telecom SudParis – France)
- Maryam Mehrnezhad (Royal Holloway University of London – Royaume-Uni)
- Veelasha Moonsamy (Ruhr University Bochum – Allemagne)
- Benjamin Nguyen (INSA-Centre Val de Loire, Inria PETRUS – France)
- Reza Shorki (National University of Singapore – Singapour)
- Fabien Tarissan (CNIL- ENS Paris-Saclay – France)
- Vincent Toubiana (CNIL – France)
- Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez (IMDEA Networks Institute and ICSI– Espagne)
- Kim Wuyts (PwC Belgium - Belgique)
Reference document
Download the competition rules (in French only)
Inria-CNIL Awards: Previously awarded articles

Electronic voting and children's digital marketing in question
In 2024, the first CNIL-Inria prize was awarded to researchers Alexandre Debant and Lucca Hirschi for their paper on the security of electronic voting. The runner-up article was written by Oana Goga and Juliette Sénéchal, and deals with the often illegal targeting of children by digital marketing.

The security of electronic voting: vulnerabilities and solutions
After identifying vulnerabilities in the protocol set up for the French parliamentary elections in June 2022, Alexandre Debant and Lucca Hirschi, Inria researchers in the Pesto team, propose solutions for improving electronic voting.