@Unsplash Artificial intelligence How artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work Neuroscience Is predicting thoughts an achievable challenge? Virtual reality Recovering full cognitive function after breast cancer
© Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg Modeling and simulation The quest for stability in microgrids 14/10/2024
Health / Personalised medicine Xavier Pennec, a virtuoso of geometric statistics in the service of health 15/10/2024
Communication - Event A new research chair bringing together economics and artificial intelligence 03/10/2024
© Michal Parzuchowski / Unsplash Theory of games Artificial intelligence, an unrivalled poker player 04/10/2024
© Freepik Health / Personalised medicine Octobre Rose: computer science and mathematics in the service of health 01/10/2024
© Inria / Photo D. Betzinger Modeling and simulation Understanding the formation of tsunamis with Panda 25/09/2024
© Institut Max-Planck de météorologie Modeling and simulation Towards the next generation of oceanographic models 23/09/2024
High Performance Computing France 2030 | The government invests more than €40 million in the NumPEx research programme 13/04/2023
© Hubert Raguet Environment and planet France 2030 | Agro-ecology and digital technology: the state invests €65 million in a new research programme 06/01/2023
© UGA / Direction de la communication Press release Creation of the Inria Centre at the University of Grenoble Alpes 18/07/2022
@Frédéric Obé - UR1 Academic partnerships The University of Rennes 1 and Inria confirm their strategic partnership and announce the creation of the “Inria Centre at the University of Rennes” 20/01/2022
Environment Digital technology and the oceans: towards a better understanding of marine ecosystems 23/09/2024
©Jean-Christophe Verhaegen / AFP Cryptography BACK IN TIME: harnessing cryptography, history and AI to decipher manuscripts 19/09/2024
© Inria / Photo H.Raguet Modeling and simulation Flooding in the city: how can you anticipate it by looking to the oceans? 19/09/2024