@Unsplash Artificial intelligence How artificial intelligence is reshaping the world of work Neuroscience Is predicting thoughts an achievable challenge? Virtual reality Recovering full cognitive function after breast cancer
© Inria / E. Garault Deepomatic, a start-up from Inria Paris, joins the Microsoft AI Factory program 05/02/2018
© Tahar Amari et alli / centre de physique théorique CNRS / Ecole Polytechnique Digital science optimizes solar flares predictions 08/02/2018
© Inria / Photo C. Morel Inria and the CNIL award the 2019 Privacy Protection prize to a European research team 28/01/2020
© A. Courbet / P. Amar / F. Fages / E. Renard / F. Molina La synthèse de microréacteurs cellulaires artificiels en Une de la revue Molecular Systems Biology 10/05/2018
Health - Personalised Healthcare The brain and the weather: a joint approach for simulating complex systems 27/01/2020
Artificial intelligence Interview with Michèle Sebag on artificial intelligence: its past, its future, its limitations 23/04/2018