11th meeting European Technology Transfert Offices Circle (TTO Circle)
Publish on 29/01/2020
The EU needs more innovation to boost its global competitiveness, harness its knowledge base, enhance its economic position and tackle the grand societal challenges of the 21st century.
In line with the Innovation Union flagship initiative and with the challenges that Europe is facing in mind, the European TTO Circle network was established with the aim to bring together the major European public research organisations in order to play a collective role in driving changes to the Technology Transfer landscape in Europe. The European TTO Circle partner organisations are leading European public research organisations (PROs) whose prime mission is to perform research. They have agreed to join forces on Technology Transfer to boost innovation in Europe through a set of initiatives, including: fostering the use of their knowledge portfolio; sharing best practices, knowledge and expertise; performing joint activities; establishing informal channels of communication with policymakers; organising training programmes; and developing a common approach towards international standards for the professionalization of Technology Transfer.
The TTO Circle includes 25 of the largest research organisations in Europe as Inria andd CEA in France, Frauhnofer & Max Planck in Germany, Tecnalia in Spain, CNR & ENEA in Italiy, TNO the Netherlands, SINTEF in Norway, VTT in Finland, ESA, CERN, Weismann Institute in Israel.
This event is organised by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with Inria .