BpiFrance Deeptech Tour: in Bordeaux on 23 January


23 January 2020
Location :
Domaine du Haut Carré - Université de Bordeaux

43 rue Pierre Noailles , 33400 Talence

Changed on 17/01/2020

From 19 September to 9 March BpiFrance is undertaking a 20-stage tour meeting France's researchers and PhD students with the aim of building bridges between the world of research and that of entrepreneurship. The Tour will be in Bordeaux on 23 January, from 2 to 7 pm.
Deeptech Tour

The Deeptech Tour, whose Bordeaux stage will take place at the Domaine du Haut Carré at the University of  Bordeaux, aims to bring together on campus the university ecosystem, local economic stakeholders and the different support organisations, in order to: 

  • Illustrate the bridges that already exist between the academic world and the startup world through concrete examples and first-hand accounts
  • Provide some operational tools to help with creating startups
  • Turn the spotlight on the rich ecosystem that is working to ensure the success of the deeptech startups, along with the new resources available (financial, the Pacte Law)


  • Plenary session with Pascale Ribon, Director of Deeptech, Bpifrance and Manuel Tunon de Lara, President of the University of Bordeaux, accompanied by some emblematic deep tech entrepreneurs who are part of the Bordeaux ecosystem, who will be sharing their experiences. Among them, Florian Bernard, co-founder and  CEO of Nuréa and Cédric Quinot, who is in charge of startup support at the Inria Bordeaux- South-West research centre;
  • Workshops intended to provide operational and practical tools, led by specialists in the commercialisation of the results of research and the creation of start-ups;
  • The day will be rounded off with a cocktail party.

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