Chairs of junior professor

Changed on 25/06/2024


Inria is once again diversifying its recruitment methods for junior researchers and is launching a call for applications for 4 junior professorships. Join us!

Un groupe d'hommes discute derrière une paroi en verre à motifs
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

Recruitment of 4 junior professorships in 2024

Chairs of junior professor are proposed to researchers in the first part of their career, with a strong potential to supervise and lead a research team, as well as to participate in national, European or international projects.

This recruitment scheme is part of the research programming law. The terms and conditions of this recruitment are taken in application of decree n° 2021-1710 of 17 December 2021 relating to the junior professorship contract.

These positions are based on a fixed-term contracts (CDD) for a period of 3 to 6 years before tenure as Inria senior researcher.

They are awarded with a teaching service in an Inria partner higher education institution (approximately 28 of lectures or 42 hours of hands-on) and a package sufficient to carry out a research project.

Researchers can join a host project team or propose the creation of a new project team.

The implementation of this new recruitment system is in line with Inria's scientific strategy and meets a twofold ambition:

  1. Enhanced interaction with the site's partner university and research institutes in order to promote multi/interdisciplinary research;
  2. A stronger international attractiveness of research careers in the first part of their career.


Application conditions

  • There is no restriction on the age or nationality of applicants;
  • As part of its diversity policy, all Inria positions are accessible to people with disabilities, with special arrangements for tests made necessary by the nature of the disability;
  • The following may apply: holders of a PhD or an equivalent degree, or applicants who have gained scientific qualifications or carried out scientific work deemed to be of an equivalent level (for diplomas in foreign language, provide a sworn translation in accordance with the ENIC-NARIC website);
  • These positions are open to junior researchers with the potential to supervise and lead research, or with at least 6 years of research experience.

How to apply?

  • Consult the junior professorships offered below;
  • Contact the director of the Inria research center concerned by the chair to discuss the possibility of hosting it;
  • Create your candidate area;
  • Apply online below by clicking on the "Apply" links (via the SELECT tool - no other application channel will be taken into account): 
    • Download the documents included in the offer (application file and applicant guide, and follow the instructions given);
    • DO NOT MODIFY the presentation or format of the application file (respect the headings and their numbering, do not delete any paragraphs, fill in all the sections as far as you are concerned, etc);
    • If you wish to joint a new project-team and it does not appear in the proposed list, first select the assignment centre, then "other team" in SELECT) ;
    • For requests for special arrangements for auditions, submit the supporting document(s) in "Attachments / Additional documents".

List of Junior faculty chairs open for 2024 campaign: 


  • Opening of the campaign and collection of applications: from 5th April 2024 to 6th May 2024,
  • Deadline for applications: 6th May 2024 (23:59 p.m. French time),
  • Deadline for receipt of opinions and letters of recommendation: 17th May 2024 (Please note: the date has been brought forward and is no longer 22th May as originally planned),
  • Selection of candidates and hearings: June - mid-July,
  • Taking office: from 1st September 2024, and before 31th December 2024.

*The dates for the selection of applications and the interviews will be specified later.

Recruitment procedure

  • Eligibility: First Inria checks that each applicant meets the eligibility conditions.
  • Selection based on the application: a committee considers the applications. After careful consideration, the committee will draw up a list of applicants who can go on to the next stage. These applicants are invited to interview.

Applications must be completed by Inria with letters of recommendation from scientific personalities nominated by the applicants, as well as a substantiated statement of opinion by the head of the host project-team (in the case of an application in an existing project-team) and by the director of the Inria research center.

  • Interviews: the applicants admitted to the next stage are then called to interview. After careful consideration, the committee proposes a candidate for each Chair to the President and CEO of Inria.

This stage may include one or more on-site or remote work placements, in particular in the form of one or more lessons on a free or imposed theme, a seminar to present research work or a meeting with the researchers of the project-team (in the case of an application in an existing project-team).

During these simulation phases, the committee acts as an observer and ensures that the simulation runs smoothly.

  • Recruitment decision: following the deliberations of the committee, the President and CEO of Inria decides on the outcome of the recruitment process.