Exploratory action


Couplage Cœur Poumon : aide au monitorage des fonctions cardio-respiratoires en réanimation
Couplage Cœur Poumon : aide au monitorage des fonctions cardio-respiratoires en réanimation

Summary: In collaboration with the APHP, the project aims to address to the clinical need for a better understanding and better monitoring of cardio-respiratory functions for patients placed under mechanical ventilation.

Based on biophysical models, the goal is to ensure more personalized monitoring of patients and also to propose ventilatory maneuvers or minimally invasive measurements that can be carried out at  bedside and allowing, for example, to better estimate the lung injuries, the blood perfusion level and help optimize ventilator settings to minimize lung tissue damage while ensuring proper blood oxygenation.

Inria teams involved



Céline Grandmont

Scientific leader