Within the framework of the European Research Area (ERA), the Institute is strengthening its collaboration with its European partners. It relies on the programmes and partnerships organised by the European Commission (in particular within the framework of Horizon Europe and Digital Europe) but also, in a stronger dynamic of integration, develops actions aiming to jointly carry out initiatives and shared roadmaps at the European level.
Our European vision
In an increasingly competitive global environment where mastery of digital technologies is a major challenge, no European Member State today has the means or resources to face these challenges in isolation. If Europe wishes to master its digital destiny, it must create the conditions to support scientific and technological advances. Over the years, the European Union has developed a comprehensive framework to support European science and technology, from support for scientific risk-taking to support for deep tech projects. Together with our partners in European networks, the Institute is determined to take advantage of the new Horizon Europe and Digital Europe programmes, in line with its own strategy.
Director of European Partnerships
Inria as a player in the European dynamic
Our commitment to European programmes
International Chairs, Internships or Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowships (MSCF), Inria involves and supports its researchers in innovation training and the development of disruptive European projects.
Excellence recognised by the ERC
With 74 ERC fellowship winners, awarded since their creation in 2007 by the European Research Council, Inria is the leading European player in exploratory research in the field of digital and computer sciences.
A network of partners
Inria is involved in partnerships at the initiative of the European Commission, in support of European strategies in the digital field. The Institute is active in networks initiated by European academic players: founding member of ERCIM, member of the Claire network. It relies on privileged bilateral collaborations with its European partners, such as the DFKI in Germany or the CWI in the Netherlands.