Film debate: Science fiction and technology: can we still dream?


8 October 2020
Location :
Cinéma UGC de Talence

Cinéma UGC de Talence , 33400 Talence

Changed on 15/12/2020

The University of Bordeaux launches the Rencards du Savoir program as part of the science festival.
Rendez-vous for a surprise screening of an episode of the Black Mirror series followed by a debate at UGC cinema in Talence.

Don't we want to be optimistic anymore? To hear stories of forward-looking cities and ideal societies? This is the dark side of the tales of anticipation, the "dystopia", which for the past few decades has occupied a predominant place in our reading and on our screens. 
Flying cars and space utopias are no more: technologies, robotics and artificial intelligence are becoming frightening. Is this the translation of a growing "technophobia"? Far from being so simple, our relationship with technology flirts as much with the search for comfort, the belief in a life-saving innovation as it does with a certain dependency and fear of misuse. What should we think about this? What future should we design? Can science fiction help us?

Speakers :

  • Natacha Vas-Deyres , teacher-researcher in literature, SF specialist, Bordeaux Montaigne University
  • Nicolas Roussel , IT researcher, Director of INRIA Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest

Moderated by Yoann Frontout , journalist and scientific mediator.


Free - Registration required (limited places) before 06/10 via Eventbrite. 
More information on the website of the University of Bordeaux.