Exploratory action


Humanlab Inria
Humanlab Inria

The Humanlab Inria (HLI) exploratory action aims to create a model of collaboration between INRIA and Humanlabs.

Humanlabs are collaborative spaces for the digital manufacture or repair of objects, open to people with disabilities to enable them to appropriate technology for their own use. 

We wish to contribute to meet the needs expressed by individuals with disabilities within the framework of the Humanlabs network or via our clinical partners. Our action is in line with the frugal innovation movement and aims to implement the scientific and technological know-how of the CAMIN team and the SED department in Grenoble in order to meet, along the way, the needs for developments intended for people with disabilities. We would like to extend this model of action to other INRIA team members and departments who would like to get involved in this approach.

Inria teams involved



Christine Azevedo Coste

Scientific leader