

Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques
Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques

The Hycomes team-project focuses on research topics related to the design of cyberphysical systems and their digital twins:

  • Hybrid systems modeling and formal verification, the structural analysis of multimode differential algebraic equations, with a special attention to the Modelica lnaguage and its compilation ;
  • The formalization of requirements, using contract-based design methods and interface theories, to support rigorous cyberphysical systems design methods.
Centre(s) inria
Inria Centre at Rennes University
In partnership with
Université Rennes 1,Université de Rennes


Team leader

Armelle Mozziconacci

Team assistant
