Artificial intelligence

Inria and ETRI sign a memorandum of understanding to develop their scientific exchanges

Changed on 10/11/2021
ETRI and Inria have just signed a memorandum of understanding, the aim of which is to develop scientific exchanges between the two institutes and to build joint research projects in several fields related to digital sciences.
Signature MoU ETRI
@Inria / Photo B. Fourrier


Bruno Sportisse, President and CEO of Inria, and Myung-Joon Kim, President of ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), signed a national Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutes on Wednesday 10 November at the Inria research center in Paris.

The aim is to develop scientific exchanges between the two institutes and build joint research projects in various fields, starting with Artificial Intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, and 5G and next-generation networks.


Through this MoU, we expect that Inria and ETRI will carry out various activities such as Joint research projects and mutual Researcher exchange over the next four years, securing mutual synergy and accumulating better research capabilities. The cooperative relationship between Inria and ETRI, which has started in 2004, will enable us to build a stronger R&D partnership.


Myung-Joon Kim


Président of ETRI

This Memorandum of Understanding is intended as a starting point for a broader collaboration between the two institutes. ETRI brings together many researchers working in various disciplines that are relevant and complementary to Inria's activities.


The long-lasting relationship between Inria and ETRI will prosper through this national partnership. The numerous projects to come  in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics,  to name a few,  will strengthen the French - South Korean collaboration in research and innovation, which is a major axis in Inria international strategy.


Bruno Sportisse


Président of Inria

Created in 1981 following the merger of three research establishments which existed separately in their own fields (communication, electricity and electronics), the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute - ETRI's mission is to develop the fundamental technologies of the future in the fields of information, telecommunications, electronics and more generally in the multidisciplinary fields contributing to the country's growth and the influence of Korean technologies internationally.

ETRI is dedicated to both fundamental research (artificial intelligence, new creative technologies, etc.) and applied research, particularly on applications of artificial intelligence in the fields of urbanisation, transport, well-being, the environment, civil security and defence. It files an average of over 3,000 patents per year. ETRI is traditionally the place where prototypes are developed, adopted and implemented by local industry.