EURASIP Fellow 2019


Publish on 29/01/2020

Josiane Zerubia and Rachid Deriche, INRIA research directors, have just been appointed EURASIP Fellow 2019.

The awards will be officially presented at the opening and award ceremony at EUSIPCO 2019, to be held in A Coruña, Spain, from 2 to 6 September 2019.

September 2019.

In recognition of outstanding achievements in the broad field of Signal Processing, the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) elevates each year a select group of up to a maximum of four scholars to “EURASIP Fellow”, the Association's most prestigious honour.

A prestigious distinction that rewards their work.

Josiane Zerubia was recognized for her contribution to stochastic modelling for signal and image processing in remote sensing. Rachid Deriche was recognized for his contribution to computational brain imaging.