

Enabling the Edge-Cloud-HPC Data Continuum
Enabling the Edge-Cloud-HPC Data Continuum

The KerData project-team is namely focusing on designing innovative architectures and systems for scalable data storage and processing. We initially targeted  two types of infrastructures: clouds and pre-Exascale high-performance supercomputers, according to the current needs and requirements of data-intensive applications. With the recent convergence of HPC and Big Data areas, we started to investigated opportunities used by the joint use of hybrid HPC/cloud/edge infrastructures (aka the computing continuum).

Examples of such applications are:

  • Cloud/edge data analytics applications (e.g., based on the MapReduce paradigm or on its extensions) handling massive data distributed at a large scale.
  • Advanced (e.g., concurrency-optimized, versioning-oriented) cloud/edge services both for user-level data storage.
  • Large-scale simulation applications for Exascale supercomputers.
  • Hybrid workflows combining simulations, dat analytics and learning running on hybrid HPC/cloud/edge infrastructures. 

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at Rennes University

In partnership with

Institut national des sciences appliquées de Rennes,École normale supérieure de Rennes


Team leader

Laurence Dinh

Team assistant
