Laetitia Giraldi, contest winner of "My Innovation is" - SATT Sud-Est


Changed on 23/03/2020

Laetitia Giraldi, a researcher at the Inria center in Sophia Antipolis (Université Côte d'Azur), is one of the winners of the 4th edition of the "My Innovation is" competition organized by SATT Sud-Est.

Laetitia, who has a degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Applied Mathematics, joined Inria in 2015 as a research officer at Sophia Antipolis to work on the modeling of living organisms.

This research, which combines her background in Mathematics with her appetite for medicine, is based on interdisciplinarity and thus brings together mathematics, biology and engineering, particularly in areas such as micro-swimming, micro-algae and cell growth.

Its innovation? Externally controlled micro-swimming robots operating in the human body?

Laetitia Giraldi
© Inria / Photo L. Jacq

Giraldi Laetitia


2004, route des Lucioles BP93 , 06902 Sophia Antipolis