Project-team DEVINE DEpendable distributed systems: formal VerificatIoN made Efficient The overall goal of the Devine project-team is to contribute to the design of dependable distributed...
Project-team EMERAUDE EMbEdded pRogrammable AUDio systEms The Emeraude team combines the skills of: the Center of Innovation in Telecommunication and...
Project-team EPICURE Semantic analysis and compilation for secure execution environments The frequent announcements of yet another cybersecurity breach show that the security of the...
Project-team GALLINETTE Gallinette: developing a new generation of proof assistants The EPI Gallinette aims at developing a new generation of proof assistants, with the belief that...
Project-team GAMBLE Geometric Algorithms & Models Beyond the Linear & Euclidean realm Classical computational geometry usually deals with linear objects in a Euclidean setting and when...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team HYCOMES Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques The Hycomes team-project focuses on research topics related to the design of cyberphysical systems...
Project-team KAIROS Multiform Logical Time for Formal Cyber-Physical System Design Kairos is working on how methods and tools to manage concurrency and time at different levels of...
Project-team KOPERNIC Keeping worst case reasoning for different criticalities A cyber-physical system (CPS) has cyber (or computational) components and physical components that...
Project-team MATHEXP Computer algebra, experimental mathematics, and interactions MATHEXP develops and implements symbolic and seminumerical computational methods to deal with...
Project-team MOCQUA Designing the Future of Computational Models The goal of the Mocqua team is to tackle challenges coming from the emergence of new or future...
Project-team OLAS Operational, Logical, and Algebraic foundations for Software systems Software is more and more transforming our daily lives. However, it is also becoming more and more...
Project-team OURAGAN Tools for resolutions in algebra, geometry and their applications OURAGAN focus on the transfer of computational algebraic methods to some related fields...
Project-team PACAP Pushing Architecture and Compilation for Application Performance In brief, the long-term goal of the PACAP project-team is about performance of computing systems...