Project-team COMETE Privacy, Fairness and Robustness in Information Management In COMETE we study emerging concepts of the modern era of computing. Security and privacy are some...
Project-team PESTO Proof techniques for security protocols The aim of the Pesto project is to build formal models and techniques, for computer-aided analysis...
Project-team PETSCRAFT Crafting Explicable and Efficient Privacy-Enhancing Technologies PETSCRAFT focuses primarily on modeling privacy protection concepts and on the design, optimization...
Project-team PIRAT Protection of Information and Resistance to ATtacks The PIRAT team (Protection of Information and Resistance to ATtacks) focuses on research in...
Project-team PRIVATICS Privacy Models, Architectures and Tools for the Information Society Since its creation in 2014, the PRIVATICS project-team focusses on privacy protection in the digital...
Project-team SUSHI SecUrity at the Software-Hardware Interface Computer systems rely on computing platforms to execute user applications and host their data. These...