Exploratory action


Study of the problem of mutual debt reduction in B2B payment networks
Study of the problem of mutual debt reduction in B2B payment networks

The reduction of mutual debts between companies is a major economic stake, especially in times of crisis where the lack of liquidities can lead to the failure of companies that would otherwise thrive. We aim at reducing the global debt in business-to-business networks of payments. We model the problem with a graph, whose vertices are companies and where the arcs represent the invoices emitted during a given time interval (e.g. one month). We aim at cancelling part of these debts (invoices to be paid) when they form cycles or strongly interrelated sets : how do we maximise the global debt cancelled and minimise the financing needed to avoid imbalances ? Our goal is to develop algorithms which would stimulate the exchanges inside a group of strongly interrelated economic actors.

Inria teams involved



Nazim Fates

Scientific leader