Exploratory action


Structural optimisation of dynamic mechanical systems with bifurcation
Structural optimisation of dynamic mechanical systems with bifurcation

The design methods for mechanical structures (aeronautics, aerospace, transport, energy production, etc.) are changing drastically. With the coming of new technologies such as 3D printing, it is now possible to design lighter and more efficient mechanical structures. The intrinsic presence of non-linearities can lead to the appearance of bifurcations, making the optimisation of these mechanical structures complex. These bifurcations can have dramatic consequences (plane crashes) or be exploited in other contexts (MEMS sensors). The objective of the NO-BIF project is to develop numerical methods to suppress these bifurcation phenomena for industrial mechanical systems (transport, energy, space, etc.) via topology optimisation (optimisation of the material distribution) by integrating AI-type methods (meta-modelling, statistical learning) and model reduction methods.

Inria teams involved



Enora Denimal Goy

Scientific leader