Project-team I4S Inference for Intelligent Instrumented InfraStructures The overall objective of this project-team is the development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)...
Project-team MAGELLAN Reliable and Responsible Decentralized Computing Infrastructures The Magellan Inria/ IRISA project-team aims to enable the creation of efficient, robust, environment...
Project-team MIMETIC Analysis-Synthesis Approach for Virtual Human Simulation The MimeTIC research team focuses on designing methods for anlayzing human motion in ecological...
Project-team PACAP Pushing Architecture and Compilation for Application Performance In brief, the long-term goal of the PACAP project-team is about performance of computing systems...
Project-team VIRTUS The VIrtual Us The VirtUs team main objective is to create and simulate immersive populated virtual spaces where...
Project-team WIDE the World Is Distributed Exploring the tension between scale and coordination As distributed computing systems are being deployed within a growing number of everyday applications...
Project-team CAPSULE Applied Cryptography and Implementation Security CAPSULE’s research activities are organized along four axes, namely symmetric-key cryptography, post...
Project-team COMBO Computer and Biomechanics –> Out-of-the-Lab ComBO is a joint project-team from Inria and the Universities of Rennes (including Université de...
Project-team DEVINE DEpendable distributed systems: formal VerificatIoN made Efficient The overall goal of the Devine project-team is to contribute to the design of dependable distributed...
Project-team LINKMEDIA Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments The challenge that multimedia faces today is that of context awareness, i.e., describing documents...
Project-team DYLISS Dynamics, Logics and Inference for biological Systems and Sequences Our common "knowledge-based approach" aims at gaining in sensitivity and expressivity through a...
Project-team HYBRID 3D interaction with virtual environments using body and mind The research activity of Hybrid team belongs to the field of Virtual Reality and 3D interaction with...
Project-team HYCOMES Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques The Hycomes team-project focuses on research topics related to the design of cyberphysical systems...
Project-team MINGUS MultI-scale Numerical Geometric Schemes The research group MINGuS focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential...
Project-team ODYSSEY Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis The name Odyssey is a short-cut that stands for ``Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis'', and aims to...