Project-team CASTING Cancer dynAmicS, adapTation and modelING Cancer is one of the main cause of death in developed countries. Despite significant progress over...
Project-team COMBO Computer and Biomechanics –> Out-of-the-Lab ComBO is a joint project-team from Inria and the Universities of Rennes (including Université de...
Project-team CONCACE Numerical and Parallel Composability for High Performance Computing The concace team is a joint Inria-Industry team that involve members from two private partners...
Project-team CONVECS Construction of verified concurrent systems CONVECS is a research team working on the formal modeling and verification of asynchronous...
Project-team CTRL-A Control for safe Autonomic computing systems CTRL-A is motivated by today’s context where computing systems, large (data centers) or small...
Project-team DEDUCTEAM DEDUCTEAM Deducteam investigates applications of proof theory to the design of logical frameworks, to...
Project-team DEVINE DEpendable distributed systems: formal VerificatIoN made Efficient The overall goal of the Devine project-team is to contribute to the design of dependable distributed...
Project-team DIANA Design, Implementation and Analysis of Networking Architectures The DIANA team conducts research in the domain of networking, with an emphasis on designing...
Project-team EPICURE Semantic analysis and compilation for secure execution environments The frequent announcements of yet another cybersecurity breach show that the security of the...
Project-team ERABLE European Research team in Algorithms and Biology, formaL and Experimental Cells are seen as the basic structural, functional and biological units of all living systems. They...
Project-team FUN self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network The FUN research group investigates solutions to enhance programmability, adaptability and...
Project-team GALLINETTE Gallinette: developing a new generation of proof assistants The EPI Gallinette aims at developing a new generation of proof assistants, with the belief that...
Project-team KAIROS Multiform Logical Time for Formal Cyber-Physical System Design Kairos is working on how methods and tools to manage concurrency and time at different levels of...
Project-team KERDATA Enabling the Edge-Cloud-HPC Data Continuum The KerData project-team is namely focusing on designing innovative architectures and systems for...
Project-team LINKS Linking Dynamic Data The appearance of linked data on the web calls for novel database management technologies for linked...