Project-team CONCACE Numerical and Parallel Composability for High Performance Computing The concace team is a joint Inria-Industry team that involve members from two private partners...
Project-team CRONOS Computational modelling of brain dynamical networks The estimation, quantification and comparison of brain dynamics is one of the central challenges of...
Project-team DATAMOVE Data Aware Large Scale Computing Today’s largest supercomputers1 are composed of hundreds of thousands of cores, with performances...
Project-team DEFROST DEFormable Robotics SofTware Our Vision Future robots don’t need to be «rigid» but made of complex deformable structures...
Project-team DEVINE DEpendable distributed systems: formal VerificatIoN made Efficient The overall goal of the Devine project-team is to contribute to the design of dependable distributed...
Project-team DYOGENE Dynamics of Geometric Networks The scientific focus of DYOGENE is on geometric network dynamics arising in communications...
Project-team EPIONE E-Patient: Images, Data & MOdels for e-MediciNE Description Our long-term goal is to contribute to the development of what we call the e-patient...
Project-team EVREF Reflective Evolution of Ever-running Software Systems The objectives of Evref are to study and support the continuous evolution of large software systems...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team GREENOWL Generating RENewable resources by Optimisation of Water Living microorganisms Climate change resulting from the anthropogenic activities will dramatically modify the composition...
Project-team HYCOMES Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques The Hycomes team-project focuses on research topics related to the design of cyberphysical systems...
Project-team IDEFIX Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX The research activity of our team is dedicated to the design, analysis and implementation of...
Project-team INOCS INtegrated Optimization with Complex Structure An optimization problem consists in finding a best solution from a set of feasible solutions. Such a...
Project-team KAIROS Multiform Logical Time for Formal Cyber-Physical System Design Kairos is working on how methods and tools to manage concurrency and time at different levels of...