Exploratory action AuditAI Economic Modeling Of Targeting Strategy Social networks lead to strategic behaviour in a world of imperfect information, such as targeting...
Exploratory action BrainGPT Transforming Transformers into Cognitive Language Models In the wake of the emergence of large-scale language models such as ChatGPT, the BrainGPT project is...
Exploratory action CANofGAS Cost ANalyses of GAme Semantics Two independent success stories in the study of higher-order programming languages, which are subtle...
Exploratory action Equity Analytics Addressing pay equity with visual analytics The goal of this project is to explore, develop, and test pay equity visual analytics solutions in...
Exploratory action GRANIER GRAvitatioNal hazards in mountaIns in the contExt of Risks prediction — Nonsmooth modeling and simulation with data in Geomechanics In this exploratory action, it is proposed to work on numerical tools for the modelling and...
Exploratory action I-am The Impact of Augmented Reality on Autobiographical Memory: Examining Involuntary Memories and False Memories Although the Metaverse based on virtual reality technologies quickly raised many questions about its...
Challenge IMAnAI Improved Bearings-only Target Motion Analysis Using AI Tools The conventional problem of localization of a target mobile robot by an observer one using only the...
Exploratory action INCLUDE Integrating fuNctional MRI and EEG with Carbon-wire Loops : towards the characterization of mUltimoDal functional biomarkErs The aim is to develop an high-resolution spatiotemporal imaging technique to map the cerebral...
Exploratory action ITHEA Computer theater The exploratory action ITHEA brings together researchers in computer science, applied arts and...
Exploratory action LLM4DICE Large Language Models for Detection and Correction of Errors Large Language Models (LLMs) are a hot and rapidly evolving research topic. In particular, their...
Exploratory action MEGAVOLT Machine Learning and Evolution Equations A fierce scientific problem is to build a mathematical and numerical bridge between, on the one hand...
Exploratory action META4QIP Coding the Future : Metasurface for Quantum Information Processing Metasurfaces are flat structures that possess extraordinary abilities to manipulate light in ways...
Exploratory action MusMapS Muscle Mapping for Shared-Control assistance of disabled people MusMapS uses effort measurements (mapping of physical capacities) from disabled patients to...
Exploratory action PreMedIT Precision Medicine using Topology The goal of precision medicine is to tailor treatment according to patients’ characteristics, by...
Exploratory action SaLM Sociologically Aware Language Modeling SaLM is an interdisciplinary project between Inria Paris and Sciences Po that aims to redefine...