Exploratory action


Software-Defined Mote
Software-Defined Mote

As computation in wireless mesh networks becomes more decentralized, existing processor-based wireless transceiver chipsets offer significant flexibility, but are limited by their lack of parallelism and application-specific hardware. The goal of the SDMote is to provide flexible, re-programmable hardware to a wireless edge node while maintaining low power consumption and a small size suitable for sensing and networking deployments. By combining a standard processor with rigid customized hardware and a radio interface, the SDMote is ideal for integrated circuit prototyping, low-power hardware acceleration, and research in wireless networking without the limitations of existing standards-based hardware. The mote will be programmed and synthesized with exclusively open-source software that will encourage its use in education and outreach.

Inria teams involved



Thomas Watteyne

Scientific leader

Filip Maksimovic

Scientific co-leader