Senior researchers, 2nd class

Changed on 17/06/2024

As a public research institution, Inria mainly recruits its permanent staff, whether directors of research (grade DR2), by a competitive recruitment procedure.

The 2024 campaign is closed.

Illustration Directeurs de recherche
© Inria / Photo S. Erôme


- Application deadline: February 6, 2024

- Preliminary Selection:  March 27 & 28, 2024

- Eligibility Test: From May 28 to 31, 2024

- Admission: June 6th, 2024

Application conditions

  • There is no restriction on the age or nationality of applicants.
  • In line with its diversity policy, all Inria posts are accessible to disabled employees (link to pdf Disability sheet)
  • The following may apply:
    • holders of a PhD (or equivalent degree) with at least eight years' experience in research positions;
    • applicants who have gained scientific qualifications or carried out scientific work deemed to be of an equivalent level;
    • researchers with three years' service at this grade.

The years of research experience must have been gained in a scientific or technological institution, in France or abroad. In the case of an applicant who has carried out research work in an educational institution or other public or private organisation, an equivalence may be granted after consideration by the Inria evaluation committee.

How to apply?

To apply for the competitive recruitment procedure, you must first create your applicant page.

Recruitment procedure

  • Admissibilit: First Inria checks that each applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Pre-selection based on the application: the admissibility board considers the eligible applications. After careful consideration, the board draws up a list of applicants admissible to go on to the next stage and they are invited to interview.
  • Interviews and admissibility results: the applicants admitted to the next stage are then interviewed. After careful consideration, the admissibility board draws up a list of admissible applicants.
  • Admission: the admission board examines the applications of the admissible applicants and draws up a list of those to be offered posts.
Logo HR excellence

In May 2019, the European Union awarded Inria the "HR Excellence in Research" label, underlining the relevance of its strategy and the associated HRS4R action plan.