Communication / Event

TENORS doctoral network offers 15 Marie Skłodowska-Curie thesis grants


Changed on 20/02/2024

TENORS (Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy and optimiSation) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network / Joint Doctorate (2024-2027), offering 15 PhD positions, which are expected to start in October 2024.

European doctoral network

The objective of TENORS is to conduct advanced research that addresses critical challenges in the fields of tensor modeling and computation, joining forces from algebraic geometry, global optimisation, numerical computation, high performance computing, data science, quantum physics.

It aims to feed an innovative and ambitious joint-PhD program to train highly qualified young scientists in new scientific and technological knowledge. 

The PhD candidates will obtain joint/double Phd diplomas from reputed universities within TENORS project.

15 projects on offer

The PhD projects and beneficiary partners of the networks are:

The industrial associate partners are: 

Job applications

Interested in applying?

Preferably before March 31.

More information on TENORS network