© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier Environment Digital technology facing up to itself: How Inria is working towards a sustainable transition Health - Personalised Healthcare Epidemic preparedness: the power of data science Generative AI Karën Fort on ethics in natural language processing
© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier Environment Digital technology facing up to itself: How Inria is working towards a sustainable transition
Promoting entrepreneurship and encouraging partnerships: the role of the Transfer, Innovation and Partnerships Department 30/01/2019
© Inria / Photo H. Raguet The RealOpt project team - researching algorithms to help ensure companies make the right decisions 06/02/2019
denimbo, a new start-up for Inria that makes the development of applications for the IoT more accessible 25/02/2019
Pléiade, a new project team at the interface between biology, IT and mathematics geared towards biodiversity and biotechnology 06/03/2019
UNESCO, in partnership with Inria and Software Heritage, is publishing the Paris Call to raise awareness of the preservation of and access to software source code 26/02/2019