Communication / Event

The Associate Teams 2023 call for proposals is open!


Changed on 29/06/2022

Associate Teams are an essential element of the institute’s international policy. This program is one of Inria's main tool for supporting bilateral scientific collaborations and promoting and strengthening its strategic partnerships abroad. Apply until October 17th 2022!
Modélisation de molécules à l'écran et membres de l'équipe-projet CAPSID
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

Inria's Associate Teams

An Associate Team is a joint research project created between an Inria project-team and a research team from abroad  for a period of 3 years. The two partners jointly define a scientific objective with a clear added value for each of them, a research plan and a program for bilateral exchanges.

The regional or thematic priorities of the call reflect the institute's international strategy to anchor its presence in the world and develop strong partnerships with several countries.

The Associate Team budget is dedicated to support:

  • exchanges between France and the partner country for researchers, engineers, postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and interns.
  • the organization of joint workshops/working meetings.

Download the call for proposals

Participate in enhancing the international profile of digital sciences (in French)!

Objectives of the 2023 Program

Within the framework of the 2023 call, an Associate Team proposal must match one of the program objectives set out below:

  • Support one of Inria’s International Laboratories (IIL) : Inria Chile, Inria-CWI, Inria@SiliconValley, JLESC, LIRIMA (details provided in appendix 1 of the call for proposals)
  • Develop collaboration with one of our partners who have committed to supporting Associate Teams, either through a joint call or by setting up complementary funding: with DST-CEFIPRA in India and CAS in China, and to be confirmed with the FAPs of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and MOST in Israel (see details in appendix 2)

  • Support structuring international partnerships, particularly in Europe (see details of the themes and eligible partners in appendix 3 of the call for proposals):

  • Develop and strengthen collaborations in the following countries (see details in appendix 4 of the call for proposals):
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • Israel
    • Japan
    • Singapore
  • Develop collaborations with identified partners in the following countries (see details in appendix 4 of the call for projects):
    • Germany: CISPA
    • South Korea (5 partner institutions: KAIST, KISTI, ETRI, POSTECH, SNU)


Nom du jour

Inria Planning



June 29, 2022


Opening of the 2022 Call for the "Associate Team" Program


October 17, 2022


Deadline for submission for the general call and Inria-side submissions for the specific calls


October – December 2022


Evaluation of the projects


January-February 2023


Publication of results


Nom du jour

Specific proposals and additional funding



15 July 2022 - 17 October 2022


For partners in India, please refer to the specific call with DST-CEFIPRA


To be confirmed by the partners


For partners in CAS institutions in China, please refer to the specific CAS-Inria call following the confirmation of the call launch by CAS


To be confirmed by the partners


Brazilian Research Support Foundations of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and São Paulo (FAPESP)

For more information

Are you interested in the Associate Teams program? Ask us your questions now!