Project-team GENSCALE Scalable, Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics GenScale is a research team in bioinformatics. Its main objective is to develop efficient methods...
Project-team GEOMERIX Geometry-driven Numerics The Inria project-team GeomeriX is devoted to the development of predictive computational tools...
Project-team GRACE Geometry, arithmetic, algorithms, codes and encryption Algorithmic number theory, and the computational issues related to algebraic curves over various...
Project-team GRAPHDECO GRAPHics and DEsign with hEterogeneous COntent Despite significant progress in Computer Graphics, HCI and Computer Vision, creating, manipulating...
Project-team HEKA Health data- and model- driven approaches for Knowledge Acquisition HeKA is a common project-team of Inria, Inserm and Université Paris Cité. HeKA is jointly affiliated...
Project-team HEPHAISTOS HExapode, PHysiology, AssISTance and RobOtics The HÉPHAÏSTOS project-team was created on January 1st 2014. This project is composed of INRIA...
Project-team HYBRID 3D interaction with virtual environments using body and mind The research activity of Hybrid team belongs to the field of Virtual Reality and 3D interaction with...
Project-team HYCOMES Modélisation hybride & conception par contrats pour les systèmes embarqués multi-physiques The Hycomes team-project focuses on research topics related to cyberphysical systems design: Hybrid...
Project-team I4S Inference for Intelligent Instrumented InfraStructures The overall objective of this project-team is the development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)...
Project-team IDEFIX Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX The research activity of our team is dedicated to the design, analysis and implementation of...
Project-team ILDA Interacting with Large Data Datasets are no longer just large. They are distributed over multiple sources and increasingly...
Project-team INBIO Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes InBio is an interdisciplinary research group, combining wet and dry biology in the same lab. We...
Project-team INOCS INtegrated Optimization with Complex Structure An optimization problem consists in finding a best solution from a set of feasible solutions. Such a...