Project-team LINKS Linking Dynamic Data The appearance of linked data on the web calls for novel database management technologies for linked...
Project-team RAPSODI Reliable numerical approximations of dissipative systems RAPSODI is a common research team with Université de Lille and CNRS. Its activity is devoted on...
Project-team BONUS Big Optimization aNd Ultra-Scale Computing Being ubiquitous to countless modern engineering and scientic applications, big optimization...
Project-team VALSE Finite-time control and estimation for distributed systems The information revolution brings new possibilities related with Internet of Things and Cyber...
Project-team EVREF Reflective Evolution of Ever-running Software Systems The objectives of Evref are to study and support the continuous evolution of large software systems...
Project-team FUN self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network The FUN research group investigates solutions to enhance programmability, adaptability and...
Project-team LOKI Technology & Knowledge for Interaction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a constantly moving field. On the one hand , c hanges in...
Project-team MAGNET Machine Learning in Information Networks A primary objective of Magnet is in making artificial intelligence more acceptable to society by...
Project-team SPIRALS Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems Spirals is conducting research activities in the domains of distributed systems and software...
Project-team SYCOMORES Symbolic analysis and Component-based design for Modular Real-Time Embedded Systems The objective of the SYCOMORES project-team is to develop a framework for the design and the...
Project-team DEFROST DEFormable Robotics SofTware Our Vision Future robots don’t need to be «rigid» but made of complex deformable structures...
Project-team SCOOL Sequential decision making under uncertainty problem The scientific project of Scool is focussed on sequential decision making under uncertainty. In...
Project-team INOCS INtegrated Optimization with Complex Structure An optimization problem consists in finding a best solution from a set of feasible solutions. Such a...
Project-team PARADYSE PARticles And DYnamical SystEms The Paradyse project-team is a joint project between Inria, CNRS and the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé...