Project-team LOKI Technology & Knowledge for Interaction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a constantly moving field. On the one hand , c hanges in...
Project-team MANAO Melting the frontiers between Light, Shape and Matter The manao project aims at studying how light, matter and shape act together in synergies, at the...
Project-team MICROCOSME Analysis, engineering, and control of microorganisms MICROCOSME combines computational and experimental approaches for the analysis, engineering, and...
Project-team MINGUS MultI-scale Numerical Geometric Schemes The research group MINGuS focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential...
Project-team MONC Mathematical modeling for Oncology The MONC project-team aims at developing new mathematical models involving partial differential...
Project-team MULTISPEECH Multimodal Speech in Interaction MULTISPEECH is a joint research team between the Université of Lorraine, Inria, and CNRS. It is part...
Project-team MUSCA MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physiological systems) is a joint project-team between...
Project-team NEO Network Engineering and Operations The team is positioned at the intersection of Operations Research and Network Science. By using the...
Project-team NERV Systems neuroengineering to model and interface brain networks The NERV Lab is a multidisciplinary research team supported by the French institutions Inria, Inserm...
Project-team RAPSODI Reliable numerical approximations of dissipative systems RAPSODI is a common research team with Université de Lille and CNRS. Its activity is devoted on...
Project-team SEMIS Sciences, Environments, Information, Societies We are studying the role of science and technology, particularly information technology, in global...
Project-team STARS Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition of Social interactions The Stars research team focuses on the design of cognitive vision systems for Activity Recognition...
Project-team STEEP Sustainability transition, environment, economy and local policy STEEP is an interdisciplinary research team devoted to systemic modelling and simulation of the...
Project-team TARAN Domain-Specific Computers in the Post Moore’s Law Era Energy efficiency has now become one of the main requirements for virtually all computing platforms...