Project-team THOTH Learning visual models from large-scale data Thoth is a joint team of Inria and Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, and started in January 2016. It is a...
Project-team TYREX Types and Reasoning for the Web Tyrex is a research project team, affiliated with CNRS LIG, Inria, UGA, and Grenoble INP. We develop...
Project-team WHISPER Well Honed Infrastructure Software for Programming Environments and Runtimes The focus of Whisper is on how to develop (new) and improve (existing) infrastructure software...
Project-team ACUMES Analysis and Control of Unsteady Models for Engineering Sciences The project focuses on the analysis and optimal control of classical and non-classical evolutionary...
Project-team ASTRAL Advanced StatisTical infeRence And controL The research activities of our team mainly focus on the development of advanced statistical and...
Project-team CANARI Cryptography ANalysis and ARIthmetic The goal of the Canari team is to develop effective algorithms to treat the objects of the Langlands...
Project-team CAPSULE Applied Cryptography and Implementation Security CAPSULE’s research activities are organized along four axes, namely symmetric-key cryptography, post...
Project-team CASTOR Control for plAsma inSTability, Optimization and model Reduction Castor gathers the activities in numerical simulation of fusion plasmas with the activitiesin...
Project-team COMPO COMPutational pharmacology and clinical Oncology The ambition of the COMPO Inria-Inserm joint project-team is to develop novel mathematical models...
Project-team CRONOS Computational modelling of brain dynamical networks The estimation, quantification and comparison of brain dynamics is one of the central challenges of...
Project-team DANCE Dynamics and Control of Networks Our mission is to advance the field of Automatic Control to meet the challenges of today’s hyper...
Project-team DATAMOVE Data Aware Large Scale Computing Today’s largest supercomputers1 are composed of hundreds of thousands of cores, with performances...
Project-team DATASHAPE Understanding the shape of data DataShape is a research project in Topological Data Analysis ( TDA), a recent field whose aim is to...
Project-team DIVERSE Diversity-centric Software Engineering Our main objective is to automatically compose and synthesize software diversity from design to...